[Remind-Fans] Automated remind notifications in specified time frame

Storm Dragon storm_dragon at linux-a11y.org
Sat Jul 1 01:04:11 EDT 2023

Howdy Dianne,

Tk doesn't work with Orca, so not accessible to
me. I wanted to make sure this hadn't changed, so I tried installing it,
but when I run tkremind, I get the following error:

[storm at fenrir ~] $ DISPLAY=:0 tkremind
Error in startup script: couldn't execute "hostname": no such file or
     while executing
"exec hostname"
     invoked from within
"set Hostname [exec hostname]"
     (file "/usr/bin/tkremind" line 27)

I used a small calculator example I found in tcl to test, and the window
opens, but nothing is read, so unfortunately tkremind isn't an option
for me.

I am using remind 4.2.5. The -a -k code does pop up a notification, but
it reads with a lot of \ characters added, it also includes the whole
entry, so it's kind of hard to pick up on the actual message. I thought
the %s meant that only the message would be sent through notify-send.

Thanks for the help, I'm at least closer than I was to getting it
automated. :)


On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 11:11:42PM -0400, Remind Fans wrote:
>On Fri, 30 Jun 2023 22:28:24 -0400
>Storm Dragon via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:
>> I tried -z at first, but it didn't do any of the things I specified
>> with -k. Just for simplicity to see if it would work, I did
>> approximately -z -k'notify-send "%s" &' but nothing ever popped up.
>That should have worked.
>Another option is to start Remind using "tkremind", the graphical
>front-end.  It has its own mechanism for popping up timed reminders
>(using the -z0 server mode).
>Something like this *should* work for your use-case though, assuming
>you're using Remind 04.02.04 or later:
>    remind -a '-k:notify-send "%s" &' ~/.reminders
>The "-a" tells Remind not to print timed reminders immediately.
>The colon before notify-send tells remind to invoke this command
>only for background timed reminders; normal reminders will simply
>be printed to the terminal as usual.
>There's no way to tell Remind to issue any timed reminders within the next
>10 minutes.
>The "-z -k" choice should have worked too.  Don't know why it didn't; perhaps
>you can run a test against this reminder file:
>    REM AT 23:59 +1440 *1 MSG Ping every minute - %1
>which should issue a reminder once a minute.

>Remind-fans mailing list
>Remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca
>Remind is at https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/

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