[Remind-Fans] Remind 05.00.03 is Released

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Wed Aug 28 17:32:07 EDT 2024

On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 16:21:41 -0500
Tim Chase via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> > * IMPROVEMENT: remind: If a SATISFY expression is not constant and
> >   doesn't reference the trigger date somehow, issue a warning.

> Testing this, it seems to falsely identify it as a suspect-case if
> a function is called that uses $T variables within it.

Yup.  It doesn't recurse into user-defined functions.  There are
performance and other practical problems with trying to do that.  The
fix is to pass in the variables you need:

    FSET done_ym(y, m, ty, tm) y < ty || (y == ty && m < tm)
    REM SATISFY [done_ym(2024, 7, $Ty, $Tm)] MSG Pay water bill

I realize that's a bit verbose.  Alternatively, just pretend to use
a variable:

    FSET done_ym(y, m, ignored) y < $Ty || (y == $Ty && m < $Tm)
    REM SATISFY [done_ym(2024, 7, $T)] MSG Pay water bill

which is more concise, but kind of gross... :)

> Is there any similar functionality to what displays on the
> calendar-view, the AT+DURATION, so that it reads something like
> "2:00pm-3:30pm"?

No, because as you wrote, you can do that fairly easily with a
user-defined function.



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