[RP-PPPoE] PPPoE Plugin for PPPD

Palasamudram, Chaitra (NSN - IN/Bangalore) chaitra.palasamudram at nsn.com
Tue Jun 26 11:46:46 EDT 2012


I am trying to bring USER SPACE - PPPoE on Linux which has processor from Cavium. We have a cross compiler to build the project for that environment. We traditionally had 2.4.4 PPPD without rp-pppoe plugin. Now I am trying to update to 2.4.5 pppd with rp-pppoe plugin enabled while compiling pppd.

1.      While compiling the “pppd” I edited the following file this way :

        : ppp-2.4.5/ etc.ppp/options


                           plugin rp-pppoe.so

2.      Compiled the pppd code using cross compiler.

3.      Compiled pppoe in the following way as make was failing

            3.1      In this dir

                          : ppp-2.4.5/pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/src

            3.2      gcc -o pppoe pppoe.o if.o debug.o common.o ppp.o discovery.o  (gcc was cross compiler of course)

4.      Now I copied, pppd and pppoe to the target board

5.      But looks like rp-pppoe plugin is not loaded and hence pppd is unable to identify the pppoe option

         ./pppd /dev/ptyt0  './pppoe -I eth3'

         ./pppd: unrecognized option './pppoe -I eth3'

I realized that the target was NOT having “rp-pppoe.so” and may be that will solve the problem.


        Now the issue is how can I compile/create rp-pppoe.so using cross compiler. .. I am not getting the info on how to create this for different environment.

Can someone please help.



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