[RP-PPPoE] Sent PADT with no indication of why

Thomas Hewton-Waters thomashw at me.com
Tue Mar 4 13:46:42 EST 2014

Can anyone tell me when "Sent PADT" would be the first log message
regarding a connection being closed? I'm having an issue where a
Windows computer is getting randomly disconnected (sometimes after a
few hours, sometimes after a few minutes).

This is what the log file looks like:

Feb 26 21:24:19 TPC pppoe-server[8548]: Sent PADT
Feb 26 21:24:19 TPC pppd[28767]: Terminating on signal 15
Feb 26 21:24:19 TPC pppd[28767]: Connect time 40.1 minutes.
Feb 26 21:24:19 TPC pppd[28767]: Sent 51831762 bytes, received 5253250 bytes.
Feb 26 21:24:25 TPC pppd[28767]: Connection terminated.
Feb 26 21:24:25 TPC pppd[28767]: Modem hangup
Feb 26 21:24:25 TPC pppoe[28770]: read (asyncReadFromPPP): Session 2:
Input/output error
Feb 26 21:24:25 TPC pppd[28767]: Exit.
Feb 26 21:24:25 TPC pppoe-server[8548]: Session 2 closed for client
84:3a:4b:3c:66:dc ( on eth0

You can see, "Sent PADT" is the first log message.

I've tried to reproduce it, but everything I do manually causes other
log messages to occur before "Sent PADT".

Disconnecting the PPPoE connection on the Windows computer causes "LCP
terminated by peer" to be logged.

Blocking the communication between the server and the Windows computer
causes "No response to 12 echo requests" to be logged.

Restarting the PPPoE server causes "Terminating on signal 15 --
killing all PPPoE sessions" to be logged.

I haven't been able to figure out when just "Sent PADT" would be
logged without an explanation. Does anyone know?

Any help is much appreciated!


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