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Main article: Remind


Wyrd is a text-based frontend for Remind, the sophisticated calendar and alarm application. It offers a scrollable timetable display, and integrates with an external editor of your choice (Vim and Emacs both work well). Like Remind, Wyrd starts up very quickly and uses very little memory.

Wyrd is designed for power users who want to be able to create and edit reminders more quickly, but without sacrificing any of the power of Remind's scripting language.


Wyrd fills in sensible defaults for the fields of a REM statement, but you will inevitably need to make some small edits to achieve the behavior you want. If you use Vim, you can make your life easier by installing the Vim-Latex Suite and then modifying your ~/.wyrdrc to use REM templates like this:

set timed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% <++>AT %hour%:%min%<++> DURATION 1:00<++> MSG %\"<++>%\" %b"
set untimed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% <++>MSG %\"<++>%\" %b"

With this change, hitting Ctrl-J inside Vim (in insert mode) will cause your cursor to jump directly to the <++> markers, enabling you to quickly add any desired Remind delta and message parameters.

See Also