[Remind-Fans] any script to convert ics to rem format?

senator galt senator.galt at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 13:13:48 EST 2008

On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Justin Alcorn <justin at jalcorn.net> wrote:
> If you apply the meeting updates to your calendar, does it change the
>  calendar entries?
yes. meeting updates change the calendar entries.

>  If it does, then ical2rem would work fine.  It's intended as a static
>  calendar->remind file converter - it recreates the .remind file rather
>  than updating it.  It has no concept of applying changes.  That's what
>  the .ics format should handle.
If I understand correctly, ical2rem expects one ics file to have all
the events. That's not true in my case.
Everytime someone sends me a meeting request or updates to the meeting
request I get an ics with just that one event.
Quick background on the environment here: I work for a company that
uses Microsoft exchange server and most employees use MS Outlook. I'm
the only one with a linux laptop and mutt email client :) All the
meeting requests are emails with .ics attachments. And each meeting is
in its own .ics file. So, I need some script that can update just that
meeting rather than create the whole calendar events again.

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