[Remind-Fans] curious parsing of AT clause ignores times

Dianne Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Wed May 27 15:14:50 EDT 2015

On Wed, 27 May 2015 15:04:11 -0400
"Ian! D. Allen" <idallen at idallen.ca> wrote:

> Well, yes, but instead of falling back to the previous behaviour of
> generating the event with the last time given, you now don't generate
> any event at all.  Why not continue to generate an event?

Because as far as I'm concerned, multiple times after AT should
be treated as a syntax error, the same way something like
"REM 1 2 3 MSG foo" would be.

> Now, you said you were busy, so are you fixing silly little remind
> bugs instead of doing what you're *really* supposed to be doing?

Because I enjoy annoying my boss!  She's a witch!  Not to mention
I've become rather compulsive about correcting long-standing errors,
in many areas of my life.



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