[Remind-Fans] missing advance warning of repeating events

Dianne Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Wed May 25 11:53:37 EDT 2016

On Wed, 25 May 2016 11:38:42 -0400
"Ian! D. Allen" <idallen at idallen.ca> wrote:

> How can I get *all* the advance notices that lie within 99 days?

You can't, with just one reminder.  That's not how the Remind algorithm
works... see https://www.roaringpenguin.com/files/download/remind-oclug.pdf
for a short presentation on this.  Slides 12 and 13 are the important ones.

Also, this is too rare to be considered even an edge case. :) It's a
corner-case so I'm unlikely to make changes to accomodate this.



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