[Remind-Fans] TIME specification

Tim Chase remind at tim.thechases.com
Wed Feb 9 19:00:25 EST 2022

On 2022-02-09 17:36, Eben King via Remind-fans wrote:
> > I'm not sure why you're testing $U==today() because that will
> > always be true... $U and today() are equivalent.  
> Well, heck. I was going by an example in
> https://blog.thechases.com/posts/remind/
> that says
> SATISFY [$U == realtoday()] MSG Only appears today

As the author of that post, I suppose I should chime in here... :-)

Note the difference between realtoday() (the actual date) and
today() (the date that might be today, but might be the date
specified on the command-line, or any date in the calendar-view).

For individual events, you can do

    SATISFY [$U == realtoday()] \
    MSG Main movie night

which will only show the event on Tuesday if (real)today happens to be
a Tuesday. (Thanks, Dianne, for the MAYBE-UNCOMPUTABLE which I
believe was a fairly recent addition)

For multiple events you only want to show up on the actual day, I'd
likely do something like

  IF $U == realtoday()
    # events to only show if they happen on the realtoday()
    REM Tue AT 19:45 MSG Main movie night
    REM Fri AT 20:45 MSG Aux movie night

Hopefully that sheds more light on that


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