[Remind-Fans] remind-caldav vs radicale-remind

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Mon Jul 4 07:38:53 EDT 2022

* Saša Janiška via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> [2022-07-04 12:43]:
>Thanks a lot for elaborate explantation...it makes sense to try migrating to
>Radicale, although I'm not very familiar with deploying Python/WSGI etc.

Radicale ships an executable Python script (radicale) that you can 
simply run. There is some documentation here:


>Hmmm...does it mean that if I want to edit my files on my desktop machine (and
>keep them under VCS), then Radicale server should run on my desktop instead of
>the production server as it is now (running Baikal)?

Yes, or you would have to sync them between both systems somehow 
(syncthing or unison, maybe).

>In that case I wonder how to make remind files available to DAVx used for
>mobile syncing. Now, with Baikal server, the whole setup is on the production
>server, while clients are either on the phone or on the desktop?

I'm not sure I understand the question but I guess it is answered by my 
comment above.

>1) do you use radicale-remind for taskwarrior tasks as kind of easy storage
>back-end instead of using Taskwarrior's taskd and/or do you have some app for
>task management on the mobile phone which can take advantage of Taskwarrior's

radicale-remind can use python-icstask to interact with taskwarrior. On 
my phone I use OpenTasks: https://f-droid.org/packages/org.dmfs.tasks/.

>2) by moving calendar events to Remind/Wyrd, the only usage of Thunderbird (or
>Evolution) for me would be handling/syncing my contacts, so wonder how do you
>solve that part which could potentially eliminate my need to keep one of those
>bloated apps on my machine?

I use abook for contacts, radicale-remind can sync them as well.

Cheers Jochen
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