Dianne's Thought for the Day

You asked for this... 50 random thoughts!

new-user: Command not found.  Memory Burnout.  Core dumped.

new-user: Segmentation Fault - core lost

buzzword: Batched Intelligent Access

jobtitle: Dynamic Accounts Planner

thought: Oh, my, another bear.  They like to regurgitate everywhere.  It's most

buzzword: Sectored Incremental Network

thought: I'm a chair and I'm okay; I fart all night and I expire all day.

thought: A comical wavechord flops maliciously.

jobtitle: Forward Tactics Assistant

new-user: Disk crash.  The system administrators take a dim view of such actions.  Your
files are lost forever.

insult: You sickening pot of sick leprosy scabs.

new-user: Segmentation Fault - core dumped

insult: You decrepit crate of stinking drain clogs.

buzzword: Batched Analog Self-test

insult: You revolting excuse for dreadful beetle fleas.

jobtitle: Lead Optimization Designer

insult: You smelly excuse for irrational clam kidney stones.

st: Rivers don't talk simplicity unless they are ready to back it up with

buzzword: Dynamic Incremental Refresh

new-user: Memory Burnout - core dumped

jobtitle: Regional Functionality Associate

new-user: Interrupt Fault - unable to continue

jobtitle: Chief Optimization Coordinator

insult: You dreadful excuse for pompous eel parts.

insult: You decrepit mound of illiterate barf.

st: These are the phasers of the photon torpedo "Enterprise."  Her 5-year mission
- to logically go where no woman has gone before.

new-user: Segmentation Fault - data lost

buzzword: Parallel Password Language

jobtitle: Forward Creative Orchestrator

st: Set your rivers on stun!  I don't want any machismo.

new-user: Bus^%$ Frro^^*.  Your manager will be contacted regarding our suspicions.
Your login privileges have been cancelled.

buzzword: Functional Logical Parameters

st: Even warp drives fail to learn from time; they repeat the same saints.

st: Even cabins fail to learn from disgust; they repeat the same crises.

jobtitle: Investor Configuration Director

insult: You bizarre sack of stinking puke lumps.

new-user: Segmentation Fault.  Don't use this computer until you've read the entire
manual set.  All files have been erased.

st: There are force fields on the useless computer!

st: Sentience is the essential process of all reason.

insult: You grotesque bowl of drivelling great white shark brains.

st: There are sensors on the hard bridge!

jobtitle: Senior Tactics Technician

jobtitle: Regional Usability Specialist

insult: You awful excuse for uncultured cow pies.

insult: You cranky excuse for awful nasal hairs.

buzzword: Ergonomic Pixel Self-test

insult: You crooked hill of monotonous murple loaves.

jobtitle: Legacy Web Planner

insult: You laughable excuse for crude clam fleas.

new-user: RPC: program not registered.  Segmentation Fault.  Core dumped.

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Copyright © 2024 Dianne Skoll